Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

[P637.Ebook] Download Ebook An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden

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An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden

An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden

An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden

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An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden

Book by Bowden, Bradley S., Bowden, Joan M.

  • Sales Rank: #141354 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Morton Pub Co
  • Published on: 2002-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.75" h x 8.75" w x .50" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A great resource
By Bruce A. Nordinbn2687
This book is a must. It's simple and stright to the point. A great reference.

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Fantastic Studying Tool!
By A Customer
I am studying Occupational Therapy and have five books on anatomy (Netter's, Anatomy Coloring Book, etc). NONE has been as helpful as this one. In the previous books, all of the muscles are shown together, which makes identifying and remembering each muscle very difficult. In this book, each muscle is displayed individually, so you can see where they originate and insert, and understand how the muscles perform flexion, abduction, etc. They are grouped by region (lower extremity, head, trunk, etc), by function, and each illustration lists innervation, origin and insertion. Did I mention the bony landmark section and the nerve plexi illustrations?
I wish I had this book for my intro anatomy course, but thankfully a classmate introduced me to Kinesiology has been a breeze!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Bought for a friend going through massage classes.
By Chesapeake, VA
Bought for a friend taking massage classes. They found it a good read.

See all 3 customer reviews...

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An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden iBooks
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An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden Mobipocket
An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden Kindle

[P637.Ebook] Download Ebook An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden Doc

[P637.Ebook] Download Ebook An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden Doc

[P637.Ebook] Download Ebook An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden Doc
[P637.Ebook] Download Ebook An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles, by Bradley S. Bowden, Joan M. Bowden Doc

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